My Sunshine ….

Dinushka Chandrasena
2 min readNov 18, 2020

When I think of you, everything seems so much brighter my darling daughter


Like the lyrics of the classic 1939 Jimmie Davis hit made popular by Johnny cash:

“you are my sunshine, my only sunshine…You make me Happy when skies are grey …”

Your glow is never ceasing and your kindness envelopes everything around you. How blessed I am to have you in my life.

Is it a wonder that this beautiful song is designated as the state song of Louisiana? The words spew sheer bliss and I can’t think of a better parallel one can draw when describing warmth and joy as the one drawn here which is — Sunshine!

Thinking back to the moment I held my precious girl in my arms, every single memory seems crystal clear although it was 18 years ago. How do you recall memories from so long ago? How do special moments stay etched in your memory? That I believe is the essence of pure, unadulterated love.

While the years posed many challenges and obstacles, getting past them seemed so much easier as my life had meaning and purpose. From being diagnosed with a terminal illness to losing my precious mother and going through numerous financial and marital upheavals, there was one person who kept me on track and that was my daughter.

How does one child have the ability to hold the threads together and stop you from splitting at the seams? Being a parent, am I not the one who should be holding it all together for my child? This has worked in reverse. While the circle of life deems that a parent needs to pave the way for a child to be strong and courageous, my daughter paved the way for me to face anything that came my way and gave me purpose to move forward and make each tomorrow anew.

So why do I call her my sunshine? Just think of a world without sunshine. National geographic says “the sun makes it possible for life to exist on the Earth. The sun radiates light and heat making it possible to bring life to plants and animals. Without the sun, the Earth would freeze”. That’s exactly why I call her my sunshine.

A note to my daughter:

My darling Tehani, you are the sunshine that radiates through our home and our lives. I thank God for blessing me with such a priceless gift and pray that you will continue to shine your light on everyone and everything around you. You are truly precious and never doubt your strength as you have a loving and forgiving heart which is strength in itself. Stay faithful to God and know that you are a blessing. I love you so much.



Dinushka Chandrasena

Editor/ Publisher, Mum, Fitness enthusiast, Christian and lover of music and the arts. Travel is my forte and promoting Sri Lanka is my passion